Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Thanks to Christian Harkonnen for inadvertently helping me stumble onto this gem. Not pants wettingly hilarious, but amusing. Giant crabs make me laugh, as do pundits agreeing that Giant Crabs are a good thing. The Onion has been my best friend for a year or so now. Funny shit and lots of useful event info in there too. I wouldn't have been aware of two at least stand-up shows had I not perused its pages. A week doesn't go by that I don't pick one up on the way to the Metro. I even save them all because I am a pack rat crazy person.

As an aside, in the world of bloggy buddies I'm officially giving this rotund bastard (Chris) the SLAYER PLACEMAT BUMP! He's just getting going in the words world and I'm sure his page views suck, but that's sure to change now! Go read his boring computer face nerd shit too if you're into that kinda stuff!

>>>>>> FATTY'S WORDHOUSE <<<<<<


Chris Horse said...

Wait... are you saying I'm fat?

Ack Ack Ack said...

Fat with wisdom, words, and children juice my friend!

Anonymous said...

Where did all this knowledge come from, Go-Go? I thought your mastery began and ended with chicken.

I am impressed. Fight on, brave code warrior.

Chris Horse said...

You see it's not that I got fatter, I've merely been accumulating knowledge around my waist and ass.

Now that I am dispersing that knowledge the next time you see me I'll be one ripped SOB!

Murphy said...

I can't wait to eat crusteacins of that size...