This dude is gold. Lou Zocchi is some sorta dice god who's been around forever. He holds a patent for freaking "dice braking systems" and developed the D100 (Zocchihedron). He understands polyhedral angles and verticies to the point that perhaps one day he will be needed to thwart a freshly loosed Cthulhu and his busted geometry dimensional tricks. I've seen Lou at GenCon each time at his sad little booth of outdated wonders, but one time, I did buy some of his Trek plastic ships there. Though to be honest I though he had plastic Romulan BOPs. But, I was wrong. I did get a magic trick along with my purchase though.
OK, the point. Listening to him kick dice science in these videos is amusing. If you stick through the 20 minutes (doubtful), you'll learn a few further reasons why Chessex should be burned to the ground. But mostly, just enjoy the airbrushed shirt, handmade graphs from 20 years ago, copyright dated "200", little china girl, the sweet editing job between part 1 and part 2, his hapless unbiased assistant, magic tricks, usage of curse words like gee whiz, and the pure mania the guy exudes.
Lou is most crucial.
So am I correctly assuming that Lou won't be at Gencon to spread his wisdom...say it ain't so Cairo, say it ain't so.
Oh, I'm sure the dude will be there. He is still kickin'. He's a con staple. You can challenge him in a CLO battle.
I think Lou is my nerd hero.
(He sold me! I want to buy some of his dice when we go.)
If you look closely at the handwritten sign at the beginning of Part Two you can see it says that will be his last GenCon. Not that that means anything. God Bless America, those are some good dice though.
He probably brought that sign with him the past 5 years. People like that don't "retire" from nerd-dom.
No Lou Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! Come back! I need a D7! (cruiser)
Dave may have a point, but not for his case that the dude is coming back.
If we go off of Dave's theory that signs are hard to make and should never be changed, then Lou is in fact not coming back this year.
Why? Basically Lou took a Sharpie to his precious sign to make the "last year" proclamation. Thus, there's no turning back now as there's no way Lou is going to make a new sign!
Tron would never dare challenge Lou to a CLO battle...that would be like him issuing a whiskey drinking challenge to yours truely. Pure insanity I says!
Would you go for a 151 drinking challenge?
nah 151 is nasty...I'll do a Booker's or Baker's overproof throwdown (it's about 121 proof)
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