Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I finally found a local place that delivers the tasty-times sandwiches to my gut. It's called Sandwich Hut. They are cheap. They recently extended their hours. They don't mess around with Prosciutto. Excellent meatball there too. After a lunch at Sandwich Hut, I've been surprised to find myself repeating my father's famous pre-dinner quote from childhood. The line is uttered just before any preparation decisions for the evening meal are made: "I dunno, I had a big lunch." Yummers.


Chris Horse said...

Right now, I wish I had the power from the movie Shocker.

I'd snake my way through the Internets and eat your sandwich.*

It looks meaty.**

*No gay allusions meant in this post. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's OK to be curious.
**Not to be taken as I like your meat See *.

Fiend Without A Face said...

Don't you have a printer to get stuck on or something? I want to eat Ty's meat pile.

Unknown said...

Damn. You guys are so gay. Don't choke on your meat, Ty.

JakeLandis said...

Sandwich TIMES!!!

Ack Ack Ack said...

I have lonesome sandwich times now.

There's no oversauced maniac who eats slower than the Sarlacc to warm my heart.


JakeLandis said...

Even though I am not Italian, I like you think that I made you a better one. Now you know how to take your time to enjoy a meal.

Goat said...

A week later, and I still wish I had access to this so-called "Sandwich Hut" that you speak of.

I feel like video chat might be able to resurrect a pseudo sandwich times. Hmmm…